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Windberg Contact Festival

Es ist uns eine Herzensfreude, euch zum zweiten Windberg Contact Improvisation Festival einzuladen!

Freut euch auf sechs inspirierende Tage voller Bewegung und Begegnung: Intensives am Vormittag, Workshops und Focus Jams am Nachmittag, sowie ausgedehnte Jams mit Livemusik in der großen Festhalle am Abend.
Dieses Festival lädt euch ein, eure CI-Fähigkeiten zu vertiefen, neue Impulse von einem internationalen Lehrer*innen-Team zu erhalten und euch in der Magie der Improvisation zu verlieren.

Contact Improvisation ist eine Tanzform, die aus dem Moment entsteht – geprägt durch improvisierte Bewegung und den physischen Kontakt zwischen den Tanzenden. Es geht darum, miteinander in Verbindung zu treten, einander zuzuhören und gemeinsam eine einzigartige, lebendige Tanzsprache zu erschaffen.

Lasst uns gemeinsam Neugier und Kreativität entfalten und in einem achtsamen, offenen Miteinander tänzerisch und lebendig sein. Die besondere Atmosphäre am Windberg schenkt uns den Nährboden, unseren Tanz frei wachsen zu lassen.

“Just the pleasure of moving and the pleasure of using your body is, I think, maybe the main point. And the pleasure of dancing with somebody in an unplanned and spontaneous way, when you're free to invent and they're free to invent and you're neither one hampering the other - that's a very pleasant social form.” Steve Paxton

Katja Mustonen(FI)
Kaisa Kukkonen(FI)
Jules Beckman(US)

Nayeli Špela (SL)
Yuval Finkelstein(IL)
Alon Ritter(IL)
Lotte Jirka(D)

Pan Jelinek(CZ)
Jules Beckman(US)
Sakari Savola(FI)
Lu Sarmiento(D)

Wir haben 3 wundervolle Intensive Teacher.
In einer festen Gruppe treffen wir uns jeden Vormittag.
Du kannst dich vor Ort entscheiden an welchem Intensive du teilnehmen möchtest.

  • Intensive mit Katja Mustonen

    In this CI intensive, we’ll combine technical approach of principles and pathways with scores for improvisation.
    The workshop will put focus on the weight of our bodies while studying mass as it grounds, releases, suspends and flies. We train our abilities to listen and respond to mobile support while training our reflexes to move safely through levels. We play with projecting our bodies along spatial trajectories and find ways to alternate the speed of our actions. We explore, how scaling our physical tone can mobilize our alignment and generate dynamic momentum while giving us a sense of flight.

    We will also take time to explore scores for improvisation:
    How do we cultivate ways of responding and remaining spontaneous?
    How do we make space for unknown as a source for improvisation?

    ”In my dancing and teaching CI, I’m curious of the space between trust and risk, support and fall, subtle and robust, instinct and wonder. During this workshop, I’d like to share my latest research and play within CI.”

  • Intensive mit Kaisa Kukkonen

    An intensive on my favourite and juiciest basic techniques of Contact Improvisation! Join me if you are at the beginning of your CI exploration or you want to get back to the basics. This intensive is suitable for everybody.

    I aim to include the aspects of the CI technique listed below. There is no final set of CI techniques, but these are essential for me to make a dance safe, enjoyable, flowing and fun. We will explore them through precise exercises as well as working more freely with the principles.

    • Leaning - working with weight, and with different amounts of weight, shared axis, and directions

    • Finding own movement and movement with the other/s

    • Moving with weight

    • Moving through levels, moving at different levels

    • Rolling and sliding on the floor and with a partner

    • Managing weight through tone and relaxation

    • Grounding to one's own body and movement, going towards others and the space from there

    • Practising boundaries, saying yes and no, leaving dances, joining dances, and being clear with your own intentions and the ability to listen to others.

    • Taking care that the bodymind is open and warm for dance

    • Noticing and recognising one’s own wishes, hopes, interests, intentions

    These are seeds for research and exploration. Each body and each dance is different, and even from the beginning, we are figuring out, learning by doing and sharing the practice.

  • Intensive mit Jules Beckman

    Through solo, duet and group exercises, we refine our presence and perception. We explore the constantly evolving relationship between our physical body, our subtle energetic body and our tactile environment, which includes other moving bodies. (Re) discover your natural ability to perceive and respond to inner and outer stimuli with precision and agility.  

    We cultivate a kind, supportive and non-judgmental inner outlook: the starting point for free-flowing improvisation.  Being seen is essential to our evolution, our fulfillment, our sense of belonging and our deep human need to share. We will face the fear of being fully seen in all our vulnerability, monstrosity, hunger, strength and beauty.

280€ - 480€ Frühbucher bis 15. Mai
330€ - 480€ ab 16. Mai
380€ - 480€ ab 1. Juli
(Sliding Scale//je nach Einkommen und eigenen Möglichkeiten)

Übernachtung und Verpflegung
230€ im eigenen Zelt/Camper
240€ im Schlafsaal
280€ im Mehrbettzimmer
330€ im Doppelzimmer
380€ im Einzelzimmer

260€ - 380€ (je nach Unterkunft) insgesamt
Dafür hilfst du ca 3 Stunden am Tag
Es wäre toll, wenn du schon am 21.07. anreisen könntest.

Am wunderschönen Lebens - und Lernort
Windberg e.V.


Lu Sarmiento & Lotte Jirka

Wir sind Organisatorinnen des Windberg Contact Festivals und der WindJam
Diese Formate haben wir ins Leben gerufen, um unserer Freude und Liebe für den Tanz Ausdruck zu geben.

Uns verbindet eine 8 jährige Freundschaft, in der wir uns immer wieder so tief in der Bewegung und dem Körper sein
begegnet sind, dass es ein unglaubliches Geschenk für uns ist, aus dieser Verbindung heraus zu kreieren und zu wirken.

Und wir erinnern uns immer wieder daran, was wirklich wichtig ist.
Zu atmen. Zu vertrauen. Sich zu zeigen. Zu tanzen. Und dem Tanz zu vertrauen und ihn satt zu umarmen.

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the second Windberg Contact Festival!

Look forward to six inspiring days full of movement and encounters: Intensives in the morning, workshops and focus jams in the afternoon, as well as extended jams with live music in the large festival hall in the evening. This festival invites you to deepen your CI skills, get new impulses from an international team of teachers and lose yourself in the magic of improvisation.

Contact Improvisation is a dance form that arises from the moment - characterized by improvised movement and physical contact between the dancers. It is about connecting with each other, listening to each other and creating a unique, vibrant dance language together.

Let's develop our curiosity and creativity together and dance and be alive in a mindful, open relationship. The special atmosphere at Windberg gives us the breeding ground to let our dance grow freely.

“Just the pleasure of moving and the pleasure of using your body is, I think, maybe the main point. And the pleasure of dancing with somebody in an unplanned and spontaneous way, when you're free to invent and they're free to invent and you're neither one hampering the other - that's a very pleasant social form.” Steve Paxton

Katja Mustonen(FI)
Kaisa Kukkonen(FI)
Jules Beckman(US)

Nayeli Špela (SL)
Yuval Finkelstein(IL)
Alon Ritter
Lotte Jirka

Jules Beckman(US)
Sakari Savola(FI)
Lu Sarmiento(D)


We have 3 wonderful Intensive Teachers.
We meet in a fixed group every morning and you can decide on the spot which Intensive you would like to participate in.

Participation fee
280€ - 480€ early bird until May 15th
330€ - 480€ from May 16th
380€ - 480€ from July 1.
(sliding scale//depending on income and own possibilities)

accommodation and meals
230€ in own tent/camper
240€ in dormitory270€ in shared room
330€ in double room
380€ in single room

Helper team
260€ - 380€ (depending on accommodation) in total
For this you help about 3 hours a day It would be great if you could arrive on July 21th.

6. Juni

Pfingst LongJam

6. August

Summer Intensive